Setup the TAS5010−5112F2EVM With the Analog Line Input
3.2.1Start-up Sequence
1)Turn on the power supply/supplies. Follow the
2)Run the DCT software from the PC desktop if the DAP is activated (S320) and the attached cable is connected from J300 to the PC.
3)Turn on the CD/DVD player and play the test CD. Observe that the yellow No S/PDIF now is OFF.
4)Observe that digital audio is coming from the left and right speakers.
3.3Setup the TAS5010−5112F2EVM With the Analog Line Input
-Disable the UNLOCK warning from S/PDIF receiver (JMP130: shunts pin 2 and 3)
-Connect the TAS5010−5112F2EVM board and PC with the attached cable
-Connect the analog source to the analog input (J160)
-Power up the TAS5010−5112F2EVM board
-Enable the TAS3002 analog input with the DCT software
-Disable the TAS3002 digital input (both SDIN1 and SDIN2) with the DCT software
-The TAS5010−5112F2EVM board is ready to play with analog source
3.4Interfacing the Analog Line Output
The default is the analog line output (J170) active. The analog line output can be connected to analog tape recorders or analog amplifiers (e.g., a subwoofer).
3.5 Controlling the DAP With PC Software
Operating instructions for the DCT software are described in the Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Configuration Tool Operating Instruction user’s guide, which is located on the PurePath Digitalt Amplifier