Quantization is the process of dividing a continuous range of input values into a finite number of subranges. Each subrange is assigned a specific output value. The Q factor, or quantization factor, describes the level of quantization used to store the frequency domain representation of the encoded image. Q factor often varies dynamically in an encoder when a constant bitrate is targeted, so it is useful to display the Q factor dynamically with the video stream.
Frame type designates whether a particular frame was encoded independently (I frame) or whether it depends upon previous frames (P) or both previous and future frames (B). Frame type is a useful benchmark when shown in
2Base Application Overview
The base "h263_loopback" example used to create the application described here is a video application supplied with the TMS320DM642 evaluation module board support package. After you install the board support package, the source code and included object libraries for the base example are in the <CCS_install_dir>\boards\evmdm642\examples\video\h263_loopback directory.
The H.263 loopback example was chosen because it integrates the following pieces of eXpressDSP software in a working video system:
•Chip Support Library (CSL) for low level device function calls
•Reference Framework Level 5 (RF5) as a software / scheduling foundation
This example could be used as the basis for any video design that uses an
While some
The design of the base example is described in detail in the H.263 Loopback on the DM642 EVM (SPRA933), but a brief description of the design and components used is provided here for reference.
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