www.ti.com | Jumpers and Control Utilities on MC57xxPSIA board |
4 Jumpers and Control Utilities on MC57xxPSIA board
4.1RCA/OPTICAL Jumpers
Select the jumper to reflect the source whether it is RCA or OPTICAL.
JP1 on the daughter card is for PBTL select. Jumper IN means
Reset is an
4.3LED Indicators
LED1 : USB Power connector installed at J1
LED2 : 3.3V Power is valid
LED3: RCA connection made
LED4: Optical connection made
LED5: SPDIF signal locked
LED6: FAULT (This LED should be ignored until FAULT is programmed to be an output via I2C write to reg 0X05.)
LED7: PDN switch (S4) is pressed (closed)
SLOU299 | TAS5727 25W Digital Input | 13 |
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