Change Administrator Password
From the System menu, choose the
Administrator Password item and the
Change Administrator Password screen
appears. Enter a new password in the New
Password box and confirm your new
password in the Confirm Password box.
Press Apply to confirm password changes.
See the following table for a detailed
description of each item.
Change Administrator Password
Item Description
New Password Type in a new administrator password.
Confirm Password Type the new password again to confirm.
Apply Press this to save your changes.
Reboot and Shutdown System
From the System menu, choose Reboot &
Shutdown item, and the
Shutdown/Reboot System screen
appears. Press Reboot to restart the
system or Shutdown to turn the system off.

Scheduled Power On/Off

You may also designate a schedule for the
N3200PRO to turn on and off. To do this,
first enable the feature by checking the
Enable Timer checkbox. Then, simply
choose an on and off time for each day of
the week that you would like to designate a
schedule by using the various dropdowns.
Finally, click Apply to save your changes.
Example - Monday: On: 8:00; Off: 16:00
System will turn on at 8:00 AM on Monday,
and off at 16:00 on Monday. System will
turn on for the rest of the week.