1. Select the album to be protected, click on the Edit button, and the Album
. The owner of the album can enter an album password to protect the um.
Uploading Pictures to Albums
the Web User Interface is easy:
1. When the album is created, click the album icon to enter the album.
. Click the Add button to upload pictures into the album. The Upload es at
3. Once the picture is uploaded, you can view it in the album.
4. The owner of the album can delete or modify the pictures with the Delete
Windows XP Publishing Wizard
to upload pictures into their photo album.
1. Click on the XP Publishing Wizard icon.
Edit screen will appear.
2album, so that only people with the correct password can view the alb
Uploading pictures to albums using
Initially the album is empty.
2Photos screen will appear. Users can select and upload up to 8 pictur
a time.
or Modify buttons on the top right hand corner.
There are many ways for a local user
Users of Windows XP can upload their pictures using the Windows XP Publishing
. The XP Web Publishing Wizard Client screen appears. Click on the link 2to install the Publishing Wizard.