Upper Oven Operations

CM Oven Care and Use Manual

CookSmart® Mode – Upper or Single Oven ONLY

CS2 – Guidelines for Large Roasts and Poultry
Allow approximately 1/2 the calculated cooking time.Use this mode for meats over 4.5 lbs.

Allow refrigerated meats and poultry to sit at room temp for 15-20 minutes before roasting.

Cook all large meat items on Rack 1, 2 or 3, depending on height.Use bottom of 2-piece broiler pan.For lamb or turkey, use V-rack in bottom of broiler pan.Preheat for all items.Do not leave a meat thermometer in meat during roasting.Check food at minimum roasting time for doneness.

After cooking, allow meat to stand covered with foil for 15-20 minutes before carving/serving.

Food will continue to cook during recommended standing time, and temperatures will even out and will rise approximately 10-15 degrees during this time.

Oven probe cannot be used in this mode.Tips for roasting a turkey:Remove wire leg clamp from turkey before roasting.

To prepare turkey for roasting, tuck wings behind back and loosely tie legs with kitchen string.

Cover top of breast and ends of legs with wide strips of foil. After half of the cooking time has expired, remove foil on breast area.

Cook only unstuffed turkeys in this mode.










Minutes Per PoundTEMP





Lamb should be removed from oven when



internal temperatures reach 120-125ºF (55

Leg of Lamb

5 to 6 Ibs.

22 to 23 minutes / lb.

- 57º C). After covering with foil and standing,

(cover small end of leg with foil)





serving temps should be 140ºF (60º C) for







rare, 145ºF (63º C) for medium rare and




150º (66ºC) for medium.















Loin roast

4.5 to 6 Ibs.

24 to 26 minutes / lb.

150º F (66º C)

160ºF to 165º F

(tied double)




(71º C to 74º C)










Turkey should be removed from oven when


12 to 16 lbs.

13 to 15 minutes / lb.

internal temperatures reach 160º F (68º C)


17 to 21 lbs.

11 to 13 minutes / lb.


in the breast and 170ºF (77ºC) in the thigh.


22 to 26 lbs.

9 to 12 minutes / lb.


After covering with foil and standing, serving

Breast, with bones, skin

4.5 to 7 lbs.

19 to 21 minutes / lb.

temps should be 170º – 175ºF (77 – 79º C).

Whole turkey (netted), boneless

5 to 7 lbs.

13 to 15 minutes / lb.












Roast may be turned over halfway during

Rib Roast with bones

4.5 to 6 Ibs.

23 to 25 minutes / lb.

cooking time. Beef should be removed from


6.5 to 8.5 Ibs.

17 to 20 minutes / lb.

oven when internal temperatures reach 120-

Rib Eye Roast, boneless

4.5 to 6 Ibs.

19 to 21 minutes / lb.

125ºF (55 - 57º C). After covering with foil

and standing, serving temps should be 140ºF


6.5 to 8.5 Ibs.

16 to 19 minutes / lb.

(60º C) for rare, 145ºF (63º C) for medium




rare and 150º (66ºC) for medium.










Fish should be removed from oven when

Whole filet

4.5 to 5.5 lbs.

35 to 42 minutes total




fish flakes with a fork.









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