Figure 22
Adjustment of air shutter: place the small plug (9) of the economizer (10) into the position I (Item A). In this way the burner will remain permanently in the 1st stage.
Loosen the nut (2), turn the screw (3) until the air shutter (1) reaches the position desired. Then lock the nut (2).
Pressure regulation: this is set at 130 psi at the factory. Should such pressure be reset or changed, just turn the screw (4). The pressure gauge must be mounted in place of cap (5).
Adjustment of air shutter: place the small plug (9) of the economizer (10) into the position II (Item B). In this way the burner remains permanently in the 2nd stage. Loosen the nut (6), turn the screw (7) until the air shutter (1) reaches the position desired. Then lock the nut (6).
Pressure regulation: this is set at 170 psi at the factory. Should such pressure be reset or changed, just turn the screw (8). The pressure gauge must be mounted in place of cap (5).
i.SMOKE: A smoke sample should be drawn from the heat exchanger flue passageway, which is covered by the vent terminal. (Remove a large machine screw from the front face of the vent terminal for direct access to the flue through the opening.) If the first smoke reading is zero (0), close the air band, or shutter, on the burner until a trace smoke reading is measured.
NOTICE: To achieve proper combustion and the efficiencies listed in sales brochures, instruments must be used to secure CO2 or O2 readings.