HOWTO USE YOUR BREADMAKERThe breadmaker can be programmed to perform various functions.The BAKE settings make
bread from start to finish.The DOUGH setting makes dough for a variety of recipes, but you
must shape it yourself, then bake it in a regular oven.For the Delayed Finish feature, the bread-
maker can be programmed to make bread or dough while you are at work or asleep. For the
BUTTER CHURN setting, pour in heavy whipping cream and 30 minutes later you have fresh
Before Baking (Use for All Settings)All of the settings are programmed by first following steps 1 through 9 (pages 10 through 12).
Then, depending on the setting desired, refer to BAKE SETTINGS- Immediate Start (page 13)
DOUGH SETTING- Immediate Start (page 15), or BAKE and DOUGH SETTINGS-Delayed
Finish (pages 15 and 16) to complete the process.
1. Choose a recipe from the Toastmaster Recipe Book.Read it thoroughly before you
begin to bake.
2. Before adding ingredients, remove the bread pan by pulling the handle straight up.
(Adding ingredients outside the breadmaker eliminates the possibility of accidentally
spilling ingredients directly into the inner case.).
Attach the kneading blade onto the mounting shaft by lining up the flat sides then
pushing the kneading blade down onto the mounting shaft.
Be sure all parts are clean and free of crumbs or other fo o d .
If the kneading blade is not placed correctly, kneading may be affe c t e d .
3 . Select fresh, high-quality ingredients, and use them in proper pro p o rt i o n . E v e n
small adjustments in the type or amount of ingredients can affect the quality of the
b r e a d .
For BAKE settings, the maximum amount of flour is 42⁄3c u p s.
For DOUGH setting, the maximum amount of flour is 42⁄3c u p s.
For packaged bread machine bread mixe s, be sure that the amount of mix is not more
than 4 cups. If the amount of mix is more, measure out 4 cups and adjust the yeast and
water accordingly.