During the first knead, the dough ingredients are mixed together for a few minutes
with the kneading blade pulsing on/off.D u ring all knead stages, the dough is m a n i p-
u l a t e d c o n t i nu o u s l y. Kneading develops the gluten (elastic substance deve l o p e d
from protein when wheat flour is combined with liquid) that gives yeast bread its char-
acteristic cellular structure.
For WHOLE WHEAT settings, preheat period occurs at the beginning of the setting to
allow time for the liquid to moisten the whole wheat flour and for the breadmaker’s
inner case to warm.
❏RISE The dough is left alone to rise.
Releases gas (carbon dioxide) that has built up in the dough.
The dough is shaped into a smooth, round ball.
The dough is left to rise and the bread is formed for baking.
The buzzer sounds three times when baking is completed.
The inner case is kept warm automatically to prevent the bread from getting soggy.
The kneading blade churns the heavy whipping cream into bu t t e r. The heating
e l e m e n t does not warm the inner case.