Remove the bread pan with kneading blade from the inner case and wipe with a damp
sponge or dish cloth making sure the kneading blade mounting shaft is also very clean.
The bread pan interior can be wiped with soapy water, but do not submerge bread pan in
water.Clean after each use and dry thoroughly.
Do not soak either part in water or wash in a dishwasher.
If it is difficult to remove the kneading blade from the bread pan, fill the bread pan with
warm water and let it stand a few minutes to allow any baked-on bread dough to soften.
If the hole in the kneading blade becomes clogged, clean it out with a soft bristle brush or
wooden or plastic toothpicks.
Before Storing the Breadmaker
Ma ke sure the breadmaker base has cooled completely an all parts have been thoroughly
cleaned and dri e d .
L e ave the lid open until the breadmaker is completely cool.This will avoid the fo rmation of
a ny moisture in the inner case.
A ny servicing requiring disassembl y, other than the above cleaning, should be perfo rmed by an
a u t h o ri zed service representative.
What has happened to the kneading blade ?
It may have been baked into the bottom of the loaf of bread. See step 12 on page 14 fo r
h ow to remove the kneading blade from the loaf.
W hy is bread flour used in most of the recipes ?
Bread flour is high in protein.When kneaded the protein produces gluten that gives bread
a strong structure more tolerant of va riations in the recipe, weather conditions, etc., than all-
p u rpose flour.
Can I use all-purpose flour in my breadmaker ?
You may use all-purpose flour, howeve r, the bread may be lower in volume and the tex t u r e
will be slightly different than bread made with bread flour. Because the bread structure is
less strong than when bread flour is used, breads made with all-purpose flour are not as
tolerant to additional ingredients such as fruit, grains or ve g e t a bl e s .
Can I use self-rising flour in my breadmaker ?
N o, the leavening in self-rising flour interferes with the yeast, and the result will not be
s a t i s fa c t o ry.
What is gluten ?
Gluten is the insoluble protein found in wheat flours. Hard wheat has a higher gluten
c o n t e n t than soft wheat. Gluten is fo rmed when liquid is added to flour and kneaded.
Gluten is the foundation of a good loaf of bread.