Can I use my favorite bread recipes in my breadmaker ?
You can if you are willing to ex p e ri m e n t .U n fo rt u n a t e l y, there is no tri e d - a n d - t rue fo rmu l a
for doing this because bread recipes va ry.The recipe needs to be scaled down to fit the
flour restrictions of your breadmaker (423cups for BAKE settings, 423cups for DOUGH
s e t t i n g ) .You will have to figure amounts mathematically. ( For ex a m p l e, if a favo rite recipe
uses 71��2to 8 cups of flour, because your breadmaker has a maximum amount of 423c u p s
of flour for baked recipes, you could begin by using 4 cups of flour and one-half of the
amount of remaining ingr e d i e n t s.) Use the same order of adding ingredients to the bread
pan as recommended in our recipes.
Power source 120V.AC
Power consumption Heater 430 W
Capacity for loaf of bread 2.0 lbs
Timer Up to 12 hours
Outer dimensions (W x D x H) 1338 x 91 31 6x 13” (340 x 250 x 330 mm)
Net weight 14.8 lbs (6.7 kg)
Accessory Recipe Book