22 PreferenceSettings
yourtime zone and GMT referring to Table 3.2.
3. Make sure that your local time is correctly displayed on
theLocal Time option.
To set the local time yourself, set the Mode option to Man-
ual and enter your local time to the Local Time option with
the numeric buttons. Thetime format is day/month/year 24-
Daylight saving adds one hour to the time when On and re-
movesone hour when Off. Whensetting time offset via GMT,
makesure time doesn’t include daylight saving.
3.4 Parental control
Ingeneral a television program is labeled a rating according to
thelevel of violence, nudity and language of its content. When
youare watching a program, you can check its program rating
onthe information box. Referthe information box to § 5.2.2.
You can prevent your children from watching specific pro-
gramsby specifying a basis rating.
To specify a basis rating, select
the System Setting >Parental
Control menu; then you will be
asked the Personal Identifica-
tionNumber (PIN). The number
isinitially set to ‘0000’.
Ifyou wish to restrict 15 or above rated programs, set the Cen-