1Important Information
Important notes about your DLP™ projection TV
1)The light source for this TV is a projection lamp unit with a limited service life. When the lamp wears out, the picture may become dark or black or the lamp may fail, at which time you
2)Each time you turn on the TV, it may take several minutes to go from no picture to full picture brightness.
3)The TV's display is manufactured using an extremely high level of precision technology; however, an occasional pixel (dot of light) may show constantly on the screen. This is a structural property of DLP™ projection TV technology, and is not a sign of malfunction. Such pixels are not visible when the picture is viewed from a normal viewing distance (see item 29 on page 4).
4)Depending on the media you are viewing, it is possible, although unlikely, that a limited number of viewers may see a
³UDLQERZHIIHFW´RQWKHVFUHHQZKLFKFDQLQUDUHLQVWDQFHV result in eye fatigue. This is a rare occurrence related to technology of this type, and is not a sign of TV malfunction.
$OZD\VVLWDSSUR[LPDWHO\ăIHHWDZD\IURPWKH79DQG as directly in front of it as possible. The picture quality may be affected by your viewing position and length of viewing time. If you sit too closely to the TV for too long, you may suffer from eye fatigue. See item 29 on page 4.
6)This TV contains several cooling fans to moderate the
for several minutes after the TV is turned off. This is a function of the Quick Restart Low Power Shutdown mode and LVQRWDVLJQRI79PDOIXQFWLRQ<RXFDQVHWWKH4XLFN5HVWDUW feature to stop the fans as soon as the TV is turned off. See ³6HWWLQJWKH4XLFN5HVWDUWIHDWXUH´RQSDJH
7)The green and orange LED on the lower right corner of the
9)If you unplug the power cord while the TV is on, when you plug the power cord in again then tum on the DC power, the lamp will automatically retry up to several times. This is normal and is not a sign of malfunction.
1. Important information | 2 |
Important Safety Information | |
Handling the TV | 5 |
Important notes about your DLPTM projection TV | 6 |
2. | Introduction | 7 |
| Welcome to Toshiba | 7 |
3. | Connecting and checking the Antenna | 8 |
| Connecting an antenna cable | 8 |
| Cable TV (CATV / DTV) connection | 8 |
4. | Controls and connections | 9 |
| Side Panel Connections | 9 |
| Back Panel Connections | 10 |
5. | Using the remote control | 11 |
| Installing the remote control batteries | 11 |
| Remote control effective range | 11 |
| Remote control functions | |
| Programming the universal remote control | 14 |
| Device program codes |
6. Power ON / OFF | 19 | |
| Power ON / OFF | 19 |
| Setting the Quick RestartTM Feature | 19 |
7. | Using the TV's features | 20 |
| Navigating the menus | 20 |
| Programming channels into the TV's channel memory | 20 |
| Using the IMAGE SETTING menu | 21 |
| Using the AUDIO SETTING menu | 21 |
| Using the DISPLAY SETTING menu | 22 |
| Using the TV/DTV SETTING menu | 24 |
| Using the PARENTAL CONTROL menu | 25 |
| Using the GENERAL SETTING menu | |
| DTV information | 28 |
8. Appendix | 29 | |
| 6SHFL¿FDWLRns | 29 |
| Video Input Format | 29 |
| Troubleshooting | |
| Lamp unit replacement and care | |
| Limited United States Warranty | 34 |
| Limited Canada Warranty | 35 |
6 | Copyright © 2006 TOSHIBA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. |