4.7.3Intensive Recording Overview

The Intensive Recording Option allows you to increase the Pictures Per Second and the resolution of any camera recording using sensor activation. When the intensive recording is activated, the resolution of the remaining cameras is immediately reduced to 360x240 and the Pictures per second to a user specified level. This is done to guarantee that the Pictures Per Second and Resolution will be set correctly and not exceed the DVR limitation.



Figure 4.7.3





Figure 4.7.3

1Intensive Channel – Adjusts the Frame Rate for the Intensive Channel.

2Intensive Channel Resolution – Adjusts the Resolution for the Intensive Channel.

3Holding Duration – Adjusts the amount of time to hold the Intensive Recording active.

4Non-Intensive Channel – Adjusts the Frame Rates for the Non-intensive Channels (the channels will drop their current settings and be forced to use this setting)

5Intensive On-Sensor– This setting enables the association of Intensive Recording to sensors.

6Non-Intensive Channel Resolution –The DVR automatically adjusts the Non-Intensive Channels down to the system default. This setting cannot be changed.

4.7.4Intensive Recording

The Intensive Recording option is setup as an ‘All or Nothing’. This means that once enabled (associated with sensors), all cameras that are associated with sensors will activate the Intensive Recording.

To activate the Intensive Recording option, follow these steps.

Activating Intensive Recording

1)Inside Setup, select the camera you wish to use and then enable the appropriate sensor (See Section 4.2.3) you wish to associate to it.