Toshiba Utilities


Toshiba Hardware Setup

Toshiba Hardware Setup

Toshiba Hardware Setup is the Toshiba configuration management tool available through the Windows® operating system. To access it:

Click Start, All Programs, Toshiba, Utilities, and then HWSetup, or click the Toshiba Hardware Setup icon in the Optimize tab of TOSHIBA Assist.

The Toshiba Hardware Setup screen appears.(Sample Image) Toshiba Hardware Setup screen – General tab optionsThe Toshiba Hardware Setup screen has the following tabs:

General—Allows you to view the current BIOS version or change certain settings back to their default values

Password—Allows you to set a user passwordDisplay—Allows you to change various default settings for the built-in display


When the computer restarts, it remembers the last configuration. If


data does not appear on the display you are using after starting in


Sleep Mode, press Fn + F5. For more information, see “Directing the


display output when you turn on the computer” on page 69.