Hard disk drive












Computer does not

Check to see whether that is a floppy diskette in


boot from hard disk

the floppy diskette drive or a CD-ROM/DVD-



ROM in the optical disc drive - if so remove it and



try to start the computer again.



If this has no effect, check the Boot Priority



setting within the TOSHIBA HW Setup utility -



please refer to the Boot Priority section in



Chapter 7, HW Setup, for further information.






Please refer to your operating system



documentation in order to determine whether



there is a problem with any of the operating



system files or settings.





Slow performance

The files on the hard disk drive may be



fragmented - in this instance you should run the



disk Defragmentation utility to check the



condition of your files and the hard disk drive.



Please refer to the operating system’s



documentation or online Help File for further



information on operating and using the



Defragmentation utility.






As a last resort you should reformat the hard disk



drive and then reload the operating system and



all other files and data. If you are still unable to



resolve the problem, contact your reseller, dealer



or service provider.




User’s Manual
