The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Auto Refresh
Auto Refresh: Enable/Disable the auto refresh function.
Refresh Rate: Specify the auto refresh rate.
Neighbor Info
Port Select: Click the Select button to quick-select the corresponding port
based on the port number you entered.
Local Port: Displays the local port number connecting to the neighbor device.
System Name: Displays the system name of the neighbor device.
Chassis ID: Displays the Chassis ID of the neighbor device.
System Description: Displays the system description of the neighbor device.
Neighbor Port: Displays the he port number of the neighbor linking to local port.
Information: Click Information to display the detailed information of the
neighbor device.
14.3 Device Statistics You can view the LLDP statistics of local device through this feature.
Choose the menu LLDP→Device Statistics→Statistic Info to load the following page.