16.2.2 Local Log
Local Log is the log information saved in switch. By default, all system logs are saved in log buffer
and the logs with severities from level_0 to level_2 are saved in log file meanwhile. On this page,
you can set the output channel for logs.
Choose the menu MaintenanceLogLocal Log to load the following page.
Figure 16-4 Local Log
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Local Log Config
Select: Select the desired entry to configure the corresponding local log.
Log Buffer: Indicates the RAM for saving system log. The inforamtion in the
log buffer is displayed on the Log Table page. It will be lost when
the switch is restarted.
Log File: Indicates the flash sector for saving system log. The inforamtion
in the log file will not be lost after the switch is restarted and can
be exported on the Backup Log page.
Severity: Specify the severity level of the log information output to each
channel. Only the log with the same or smaller severity level
value will be output.
Status: Enable/Disable the channel.
16.2.3 Remote Log
Remote log feature enables the switch to send system logs to the Log Server. Log Server is to
centralize the system logs from various devices for the administrator to monitor and manage the
whole network.
Choose the menu MaintenanceLogRemote Log to load the following page.