2. The traffic load of the LAG will be balanced among the ports according to the Aggregate
Arithmetic. If the connections of one or several ports are broken, the traffic of these ports will
be transmitted on the normal ports, so as to guarantee the connection reliability.
Depending on different aggregation modes, aggregation groups fall into two types: Static LAG
and LACP Config. The LAG function is implemented on the LAG Table, Static LAG and LACP
Config configuration pages.
5.2.1 LAG Table
On this page, you can view the information of the current LAG of the switch.
Choose the menu SwitchingLAGLAG Table to load the following page.
Figure 5-6 LAG Table
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Global Config
Hash Algorithm: Select the applied scope of aggregate hash arithmetic,
which results in choosing a port to transfer the packets.
SRC MAC + DST MAC: When this option is selected,
the Aggregate Arithmetic will apply to the source and
destination MAC addresses of the packets.
SRC IP + DST IP: When this option is selected, the
Aggregate Arithmetic will apply to the source and
destination IP addresses of the packets.
LAG Table
Select: Select the desired LAG. It is multi-optional.
Group Number: Displays the LAG number here.
Description: Displays the description of LAG.
Member: Displays the LAG member.
Operation: Allows you to view or modify the information for each LAG.
Edit: Click to modify the settings of the LAG.
Detail: Click to get the information of the LAG.
Click the Detail button for the detailed information of your selected LAG.