7.5. MAC Filter
If you want to restrict users from accessing certain Internet applications / services (e.g. Internet websites, email, FTP etc.), and then this is the place to set that configuration. Access Control allows users to define the traffic type permitted in your LAN. You can control which PC client can have access to these services.
Enable MAC Filtering: Check to enable or disable MAC Filtering.
Deny: If you select “Deny” then all clients will be allowed to access Internet accept for the clients in the list below.
Allow: If you select “Allow” then all clients will be denied to access Internet accept for the PCs in the list below.
Add PC MAC Address
Fill in “LAN MAC Address” and Description of the PC that is allowed to access the Internet, and then click Add. If you find any typo before adding it and want to retype again, just click Reset and the fields will be cleared.
Remove PC MAC Address
If you want to remove some PC from the "MAC Filtering Table", select the PC you want to remove in the table and then click Delete Selected. If you want to remove all PCs from the table, just click the Delete All button. If you want to clear the selection and
Click Apply at the bottom of the screen to save the above configurations.