3. Enter your DDNS data on the TVP-224HR's DDNS screen (shown below).
4. The TVP-224HR will then automatically ensure that your current IP Address is recorded
and updated at the DDNS server.
If the DDNS Service provides software to perform this "IP address update"; you should
disable the "Update" function, or not use the software at all.
5. From the Internet, users will be able to connect to your Virtual Servers (or DMZ PC)
using your Domain name, as shown on this screen.

Dynamic DNS Screen

Select Internet on the main menu, then Dynamic DNS, to see a screen like the following:

Figure 22: DDNS Screen

Data - Dynamic DNS Screen
DDNS Service
DDNS Service You must register for the service at dyndns.org.
Apply for a Domain Name, and ensure it is allocated to you.
Details of your DDNS account (Name, password, Domain name)
must then be entered and saved on this screen.
This device will then automatically ensure that your current IP
Address is recorded by the DDNS Service Provider. (You do
NOT need to use the "Client" program provided by some DDNS
Service providers.)
From the Internet, users will now be able to connect to your Virtual
Servers (or DMZ PC) using your Domain name.
Dyn DNS On/Off
User Name Enter your Username for the DDNS Service.
Password/Key Enter your current password for the DDNS Service.
Domain Name
(Hostname) Enter the domain (hostname) name registered at www.dyndns.org.
For instance, if you registered johnsmith.dyndns.org, please enter