MM102014V1, Rev. G

Table 5-2: Status of Selective Alert Messages
Delivering Select Alert message transmit attempt
Congested Too busy – Try again
Dest Down Receiving radio not logged on – Not registered
Not Reg Transmitting radio not logged on – Not registered
Delivered Transmission complete
Unreach No response
Partial Transmission interrupted

5.15.2 Receiving Selective Alert Messages

When a selective alert message is received by a radio, a four-beep tone is heard and “NewAlert” flashes
until the new message is read. Up to eight (8) received messages are stored. If another message is
received, the first (oldest) message automatically deletes to make room for the new incoming. Displaying Messages Received
1. Using the or button, scroll through the menu until “AlertsRecvd” (Alerts Received) appears in
the bottom line of the display. “No alerts” or the last received (newest) message appears in the
display. It is preceded by the time the message was received, and the sender’s name/alias.
2. View other received messages using the and buttons. Use to view older messages and to
view newer messages.
3. To delete the message currently being viewed, press the Select button. Deleting Messages Received
To delete a received message:
1. Display the message.
2. Delete the message by pressing the Select button.
3. Confirm the deletion by pressing the Select button again.

5.15.3 Defining Pre-Programmed Messages

All selective alert messages are pre-defined by the radio system’s maintenance personnel. These messages
are sometimes referred to as “canned” messages. Custom selective alert messages cannot be created by
the radio user. The entire selective alert message, including the abbreviation, can include up to two
hundred (200) text characters.


If the radio system is equipped with Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) interconnect
equipment, telephone calls can be made from the M-803’s DTMF microphone using this procedure:
1. Press the *9 keys.