MM101332V1, Rev. K
Table 8-2: Alert Tones
Call Originate (A) one short mid-
pitched OK to talk after pressing the push-to-talk button
Call Queued (T) one high-pitched Call queued for processing
Autokey (T) one mid-pitched
Queued call received channel assignment
System Busy (T) three low-pitched System busy or unable to complete call
Call Denied (T) one low-pitched Radio is not authorized on the system or group
Carrier Control
Timer (A) five high-pitched /
one long low-pitched PTT depressed for maximum length of time
Low Battery (A) one low-pitched/
one short mid-
Low battery
TX Low Battery
Alert (A) one low-pitched After PTT - battery too low to transmit
Page (P) Three high-pitched If receiving radio accepts page, both radios emit tone
(T) = trunked mode only (P25T and EDACS) (A) = All modes (P) = P25T only
8.4 UNIVERSAL DEVICE CONNECTOR (UDC) The Universal Device Connector (UDC) provides connections for external accessories such as a headset
or a speaker-microphone. The UDC is located on the right side of the radio (opposite the PTT Button).
When the radio is locked in a vehicular charger the UDC provides the audio and control connections
between the radio and the vehicular charger. The UDC facilitates programming and testing the radio. The
UDC pins perform different functions depending on the accessory attached to the UDC.