iZak™ User Guide
Fonts in iZak™
iZak™ supports the true type Unicode fonts. There is a default font included in the firmware that supports most of the major languages in Europe and US. It is based on the freetype v. 1.3 library and it is NOT using the byte code interpreter.
User Defined Fonts
iZak™ has the unique feature to support user defined or custom fonts for the User Interface and the subtitles. You can use your favorite Windows TrueType font by just copying it to the predefined “\Firmware\Font” folder with the name font.ttf.
For example, copy the well known font Verdana.ttf to “\Firmware\Font” folder with the name font.ttf. With this simple action, your iZak™ device will have Verdana as the current font for the User Interface and the subtitles.
Font support in Asia
As has been previously mentioned, the
In case a user requires the CJK (Chinese - Japanese - Korean) language support, he has to download and install the following freeware font as described below:
1). Download he code2000.zip file from: http://home.att.net/~jameskass/
2). Unzip the code2000.zip and extract the code2000.tff
3). Rename the code2000.tff to font.tff and copy it to the \Firmware\Font subdirectory of your iZak™ device.
In case the above font is not adequate to your aesthetics, or the above link is not available, you can use the “Arial Unicode MS” font, with filename ARIALUNI.TTF found in: