iZak™ User Guide
DivX Compatibility
DivX® is a new format for digital video, much like MP3 is a format for digital music. DivX® is the brand name of a
IZak™ is fully compatible with DivX® format and can play any movie encoded with this compression format no matter which version of the encoder used: 3.11, 4.x, 5.x.
In order to be able to create DivX content you will have to install the DivX driver on your PC or Mac found at: http://www.divx.com/divx/
PC: There are various automatic tools and procedures to create a DivX movie. We
recommend the FREE utility “Auto Gordian Knot” found at: http://www.autogk.net/web/ This utility will let you burn the bitmap subtitle of your choice in the movie.
Mac: We recommend the “ffmpegX” found at: http://homepage.mac.com/major4/
If you want to use external text subtitle then we recommend the FREE PC utility “SubRip” found at: http://www.subrip.fr.st/
This utility will produce .str or .sub subtitle text files that are both iZak™ compatible. Please pay attention that in order for iZak™ to display the subtitle, both “movie.avi” and “movie.str” should be placed in the same directory. In the adjacent picture you see an
example that the movie with extension .avi has the same name with the subtitle file with extension .str
In order for iZak™ to display the subtitles, the subtitle file should be a Unicode file. To do so, open the .sub or .str file with the notepad text editor, select “Save As…” and choose the Unicode option from the Encoding combo box.