14 - English
To… Press...
dial the highlighted
If you have more than one cellular phone paired, the phone
prompts you to choose one. Select the phone you want
and press
review current CID
record details
add other digits and
codes to the CID
x# once to add an area code.
once to add 1 for a toll call.
twice to add the International code to the CID number.
#Press * a third time to return to norma l mode.
close the lists
For individual record options, f ind a number and press
(press twice from
a CID entry) to display the followi ng options for that record :
Select... To...
Erase the number from the list.
Store into PB
Add the number to the phonebook. The handset prompts you
to edit the name and number and select a personal ring.
Add Call Block
(CID list only) Add the number to the Call Block list (see page 16).

Using Call Waiting

Call Waiting, a servic e available from your t elephone provider, lets you receive
calls while you are on anot her call. Cal ler ID on Call Waiti ng (CIDCW) servic e
displays Caller ID infor mation for a waiting ca ll.
If you get a Call Waiting call , the phone sounds a tone and d isplays any CID
information received from the w aiting call . Press
on the land line or
on a cellular phone call to sw itch between the cu rrent call and t he waiting
call; each time you switch , there is a short pause be fore you're connected to the
other call.

Using the Phonebooks

You can download the phonebook (up to 1500 entrie s) from each paired cellu lar
phone (up to four). You can also store up to 200 entries in the D358 0’s Home
phonebook, which is separate fr om any downloaded phonebo oks.
Only one cordless handset ca n access the phoneboo k at a time.

Downloading Cellular Phonebooks into your Phone

1. Make sure your c ellular phone is pai red to the D3580 and is wi thin range of the
2. With the D3580 in s tandby, open the menu and sele ct
Bluetooth Setup