26 - English
2. Wait until the di splay says
Registration C omplete
(about 30
seconds), then pick up the handset;
3. If you don’t hear a dial ton e or the
display says
Registration Fa iled
charge the battery completely, th en
try again.
Adapter and Battery Informatio n
AC adapter Base Charger
Part number PS-0046 PS-0035
Input voltage 120V AC, 60 Hz
Output voltage
6V AC @
7V AC @
800mA (USB)
8V AC @
xUse only the supplied AC adapters .
xUse the proper adapter for the bas e & any
xDo not place the unit in direc t sunlight or s ubject
it to high temperatures.
Battery pack (with normal use)
Part number BT1031
Capacity 400mA, 2.4V DC
Talk time about 7 hours
Standby time about 7 days
Battery life about 1 yea r
xReplace the battery when t he talk or sta ndby time
becomes noticeably reduced . For replacement s,
call the Parts Depar tment (see the f ront cover).
xWhen the battery gets low, the h andset beep s and
shows a low battery alert; put t he handset i n the
cradle for recharging.
Rechargeable Battery Warning xis equipment contains a rech argeable Nicke l-
Metal-Hydride (Ni-MH) batt ery.
xNickel is a chemical known to t he state of Cal ifor-
nia to cause cancer.
xDo not short-circuit the bat tery.
xe batteries in this equi pment may explode i f
disposed of in a re.
xDo not charge the batteries i n any charger ot her
than the one specied in t he owner's manua l.
Using another charger may da mage the batte ry or
cause it to explode.
xAs part of our commitment to pro tecting our
environment and conserv ing natura l resources ,
Uniden voluntarily part icipates in a n RBRC®
industry program to col lect and recy cle used
Ni-MH batteries within t he United State s. Please
call 1-800-8-BATTERY for i nformation on
Ni-MH battery recycling i n
your area. (RBRC® is a
registered trademark of t he
Rechargeable Battery
Recycling Corporatio n.)
Rechargeable batteries
must be recycled or
disposed of properly.
Warning! The cords on this produ ct and/or
accessories contain lead, a ch emical known
to the state of California to cau se birth
defects or other reprodu ctive harm. Wash
hands after handling.
Uniden works to reduce lead cont ent in our
products & accessories.
Compliance Information
FCC Part 68 Informationis equipment complies with P art 68 of the FC C
rules and the requirement s adopted by the ACTA.
On the bottom of this equipmen t is a label that
contains, among other in formation, a prod uct
identier in the format US: A AAEQ##TX XXX.
If requested, this numbe r must be provided t o the
phone company.
An applicable Universal Ser vice Order C odes
(USOC) certication for t he jacks used i n
this equipment is provided (i.e ., RJ11C) in the
packaging with each pie ce of approved term inal
equipment. A plug and jack used to c onnect this
equipment to the premises wi ring and telep hone
network must comply with the ap plicable FCC
Part 68 rules and requi rements adopted by t he
ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and mo dular
plug is provided with this pr oduct. It is desig ned
to be connected to a compatible mo dular jack th at
is also compliant. See in stallati on instruc tions
for details.
e REN is used to determine t he number of
devices that may be connec ted to a phone line.
Excessive RENs on a phone line m ay result in
devices not ringing in re sponse to an inc oming
call. In most but not all ar eas, the sum of R ENs
should not exceed ve (5.0). To be certain of t he
number of devices that may be c onnected to a
line, as determined by th e total RENs , contact the
telephone provider. e REN for th is product is
part of the product identi er that has the for mat
US:AAAEQ##TXX XX. e dig its represente d by
## are the REN without a deci mal point (e.g., 03
is a REN of 0.3).
If this equipment causes ha rm to the telepho ne
network, the telephone compan y will noti fy you
in advance that temporar y disconti nuance of
service may be required . But if advance not ice
isn't practical, the telep hone company wil l notify
the customer as soon as possi ble. Also, you w ill be
advised of your right to le a c omplaint wit h the
FCC if you believe it is necessa ry. e telephone
company may make changes in it s facilitie s,