Programming Base Speed Dial Numbers (DCT7565 Only)
The DCT7565
1.With the phone in standby, press [memory].
2.Use the number keypad to enter the phone number; the phone number can contain up to 20 digits. If you need the phone to pause between digits when it is dialing, such as the need to enter an extension or an ac- cess code, press [pause] to insert a
3.Press [memory] again, and then press the number key [0] to [9] where you want to store this phone number. A confirmation tone sounds.
Deleting Base Speed Dial Numbers
1.With the phone in standby, press [memory] twice.
2.Press the number key, [0] to [9] that contains the phone number you want to delete. A confirmation tone sounds.
Finding a Phonebook Entry
Press [] to open the phonebook.Then, select DIAL/EDIT. Phonebook entries are stored in alphabetical order. To scroll through the phonebook from A to Z, press [
].To scroll through the phonebook from Z to A press [
You can also use the letters on the number keys to jump to a name that starts with that letter. Press a number key ([2] to [9] and [0]) once for the first letter, twice for the second letter, and so on. The phonebook jumps to the first entry that begins with the letter you entered; you can then use [] or [
] to scroll to other entries. For example, to search for an entry beginning with the letter M, press [6] once. To close the phonebook, press [
]. If you are looking up a phonebook entry during a call, press [
] again instead of [
] to close the phonebook.