(System Setup)
Setting Your Outgoing Greeting
Your answering machine comes with a prerecorded greeting: "Hello. No one is available to take your call. Please leave a message after the tone." You can use this greeting, or you can record your own.
Your greeting must be more than 2 seconds and less than 30 seconds.
Recording a greeting
From the base
To record your own greeting, make sure the phone is in standby mode. Go to Record Greeting, and then press menu/select. Press the START soft key. After the answering machine says, "Record greeting," you can start recording. The message counter displays 30 and then begins to count down. When you're finished, press the STOP soft key. The answering machine will play back your greeting so you can hear it.
From the handset
Press . Press
/8. After the answering machine says, "Record greeting," you
can start recording. When you're finished, press /8 key.
Choosing a greeting
From the base
To choose between the two greetings, first make sure the phone is in standby mode. Go to GreetingOptions, and then press menu/select. The greeting currently being used will be played. If you want to use the other greeting, press the CHANGE soft key.
Answering Machine
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