Chain Dialing
The memory locations on the handset and base are not limited to phone numbers, you may want to store in memory a group of numbers (up to 20 digits) that you need to enter once your call connects. This is referred to as Chain Dialing.
Mute (Handset/Base)
You can temporarily turn off the microphone so that the person you are talking with cannot hear you. During a telephone call press mute (handset). Press mute/menu (base) to turn off the microphone. Press mute again to cancel the mute feature.
Selecting a Different Channel
If you encounter interference while using your phone, you can manually change the phone’s channel for clear operation. Interference can come from appliances or other phones in your home (see “Troubleshooting” on page 41).
During the course of a conversation, if you hear static or noise which makes it difficult to hear, press channel . The talk/low batt LED flashes, indicating the phone is changing to another channel.
The talk/low batt LED blinks when pressing the mute key on the handset.
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