Return Address
Sometimes it becomes necessary to return an application. Please priPt your name and mailing address in the space provided below. By putting your name and- address in this area, you will enable us to return quickly any application which needs correction or clarification. .
Additional Answer Space
~ |
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average twelve minutes per response, including' the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining. the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any otheraspe~t of this colJection of
information, including suggestions for. reducing this burden to Federal Communications Commission, OfHce of Managing Director,
Washington, DC 20554, and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork
Reduction Project | Washington, | D~ 20503. |
| |||||
Sections 301, 303 | and | 308 | of the | Communications | Act | of | 1934, as | amended | (licensing | powers) | authorize | the | _FCC to | request | |
the information on | this | application. | The | purpose | of | the | information | is to | determine | your | eligibility | for | a license. | The |
information | will | be | used | by FCC | staff | to | evaluate | the | application, | to | determine | station | location, | to provide | information | for | ||
enforc'ement | and | rulemaking | proceedings | and | to maintain | a currentinven'tory | of licensees, | the information | will | also | be available | |||||||
for public | inspection. | No | license | can | be granted | unless | all information | is provided. | Your response | is | required | to retain | this | |||||
benefit.. |
| . |
Fce Form 50-6, Page 2
February 1991
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