More on Teletext and Fastext
The ONE FOR ALL 5 is designed to operate the basic
functions of teletext (text on, text off, mix and hold/stop).
Symbol Title Description
TEXT Puts the Television in
the teletext mode.
TV Switches the Television
back to regular viewing
mode. On some
Televisions,this may
be done by pressing the
TEXT key several times.
MIX Shows both teletext and
regular Television
simultaneously. Also
used for subtitling. On
some Televisions this
function is accessed by
pressing the TEXT key
HOLD/ Stops changing pages.
The keys marked red, green, yellow and blue are used to
access the fastext functions of your television
Note: For a more detailed explanation of teletext and
fastext, please refer to the manual of your Television.
Remember, different Televisions control teletext and
fastext features in different ways. Not all of the teletext
functions may be available for your particular model.