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Video PReP®
Progressive Re-Processing (PReP®) is the industry’s first technology
designed specifically to improve progressive video signals by removing the
artifacts caused by inferior interlaced-to-progressive conversion. Video
signals that originate in the interlaced format used by most broadcasters
often suffer degradation when the signal is converted to the progressive
format required by digital displays. If this process is not done well, it results
in artifacts which will be amplified during scaling or other processing such
as detail enhancement. The patent-pending PReP technology addresses this
problem be reverting the progressive video signal to its original interlaced
format so that it can be reconverted to progressive using a higher-quality
The DMS-AV has two available options for PReP – Auto and Off. By default,
PReP is set to Off. This value can be set in the on-screen menu or the URC
Accelerator Application, in the Video Adjust section.
Video Test Patterns
The DMS-AV firmware includes eight video test patterns used to calibrate a
video display device. Typically, an external video test pattern generator is
required for professional display device setup. The DMS-AV provides access
to these patterns within the on-screen display, and also accessible via the
URC Accelerator Application.
The video test patterns available are:
Frame Geometry
‘Frame/Geometry’ test pattern is used to verify that the image is positioned
correctly on your display.
The ‘Brightness/Contrast’ test pattern will assist you in setting up both the
brightness (black level) and contrast (white level) of your display. The
‘Brightness/Contrast’ test pattern is composed of 4 quarter-screen blocks.
Two of the blocks have a background level of standard black and the other
two blocks have a background level of standard white.
Embedded in the black blocks are 3 bars. One is 4 IRE below black
(blacker-than-black), one is 1 IRE above black, and the third is 2 IRE above
black. Embedded in the white blocks are 3 bars. One is 1 IRE above white
(whiter-then-white), one is 1 IRE below white, and the third is 2 IRE below
white. The bottom two blocks differ slightly from these levels. For the
bottom two blocks, the
blacker-than-black is at the lowest possible luma level
and the whiter-than-white bar is at the highest possible luma level.