IrDA Printer Only All printer data will be sent out the Infrared port only. No
data will be sent out the RS-232 port.
RS232 Printer Only All printer data will be sent out the RJ-45 wired RS-232
port. No data will be sent out the IrDA port.
IrDA w/ RS232 Scanner The printer data will be sent out the IrDA port while the
RJ-45 wired RS-232 port will be used for a tethered
(corded) scanner.
Whenever the RS-232 port is selected, you must set up the port parameters.
Baud: 115200 57600 38400 19200 9600 4800 2400 1200 - 300
Parity: None Even Odd - Mark
Data Type: None,8,1 Even,8,1 Odd,8,1 None,7,1 Even7,1 - Odd,7,1
None,7,2 Even,7,2 Odd,7,2 None,8,2 Even,8,2 Odd,8,2
Flow Control: None - RTS/CTS Xon/Xoff
<Save> You must save the settings for them to take effect.