5 Dig Sup
Checked Send the 5 digit supplemental character with the bar code.
Unchecked* Disable sending the 5 digit supplemental character with the bar
Checked Enable reading UPC-E1 bar codes.
Unchecked* Disable reading UPC-E1 bar codes.
Setting the EAN/JAN-13 Bar Code
Checked* Enable reading EAN/JAN-13 bar codes.
Unchecked Disable reading EAN/JAN-13 bar codes.
Check Digit
Checked* Send the EAN/JAN-13 check digit with the bar code.
Unchecked Disable sending the EAN/JAN-13 check digit with the bar code.
2 Dig Sup
Checked Send the 2 digit supplemental character with the bar code.
Unchecked* Disable sending the 2 digit supplemental character with the bar
5 Dig Sup
Checked Send the 5 digit supplemental character with the bar code.
Unchecked* Disable sending the 5 digit supplemental character with the bar
Sup Req
Checked Require the 2 or 5 digit supplemental character with the bar code.
Unchecked* Do not require the supplemental character with the bar code.
Sup Space
Checked* Require the supplemental space character with the bar code.
Unchecked Do not require the supplemental space character with the bar code.