Typical Values for the “GSM/GPRS Settings”:
APN Access Provider Name
The character string specifying the cellular service provider (e.g. internet2.voicestream.com).
Port Linux port name
This is a character string specifying the port name (usually “/dev/ttyS0”).
Baud Rate Transmission Baud Rate
This is a character string specifying the baud rate (usually 115200).
Init String Initialization String
The character string sent to the internal GPRS modem card prior to initiating a call.
Hangup String Disconnection String
The character string sent to the internal GPRS modem card when it disconnects from a call.
Dial String Dialing string
The character string sent to the internal GPRS modem card to initialize dialing of the call.
Timeout Connection Timeout value
This is a numeric string that determines the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the call
to connect.
Extra Settings Extra settings string
This is a character string that is sent to the internal GPRS modem card prior to initiating a
call that may be used in special circumstances. One example is sending manufacturer
specific startup strings.