The RSS bar code is turned off by default to prevent any confusion with the Interleaved 2
of 5 bar codes. An I 2 of 5 bar code can never be interrupted as a RSS bar code but it is
remotely possible that an RSS bar code might be incorrectly scanned as an I 2 of 5. It is
recommended that the Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code symbology be disabled when using
RSS bar codes.
RSS14 Active, RSS Limited Active, RSS Expanded Active
ON* Enable reading the described bar codes.
OFF Disable reading of the described bar codes.
EAN Type Identifier
ON Transmit the RSS EAN Type Identifier string.
OFF * Do not transmit the RSS EAN Type Identifier string.
Application Interface
ON* Transmit the 2 digit Application Interface characters.
OFF Do not transmit the digit Application Interface characters.
Linkage Character
ON Transmit the RSS bar code Linkage Character.
OFF* Do not transmit the RSS bar code Linkage Character.
Send Check Digit
ON* Transmit the RSS Check Digit character.
OFF Do not transmit the RSS Check Digit character.