G E T I T N O W ® W I T H P I C T U R E M E S S A G I N G S E R V I C E
Receiving a New Picture Message
All new picture messages will automatically be delivered to your Inbox and displayed on your phone’s screen. If you would like to be prompted to accept or reject new picture messages, follow the steps below.
1.) Press Left Soft Key Message.
2.) Press Left Soft Key Settings and select
3.) Press 

Auto Receive.
4.) Select Off and press .
Replying to a Picture Message
1.) After viewing the picture, press REPLY.
2.) Select
PIX Msg.
3.) Enter Text, PIX, Sounds, and Subject. For a list of options, press Right Soft Key .
Or using the phone screen as your viewfinder, press to snap picture.
4.) Press SEND.