20 RF SQLFunction: Adjusts the RF Squelch threshold level.
Available Values: 1 - 10, or OFFDefault: OFF
21 RPTRFunction: Sets the Repeater Shift direction.
Available Values:
Function: Enables/disables the “Priority Channel Revert” feature.
Available Values: ON/OFF
Default: OFF
23 SCANFunction: Selects the Scan Resume mode.
Available Values: BUSY/HOLD/5 SEC
Default: BUSYBUSY: The scanner will remain halted for as long as there is carrier present on the channel; after the carrier drops at the end of the other station’s transmission, the scanner will resume.
HOLD: The scanner will halt on a signal it encounters. It will not restart automatically; you must manually
5 SEC: The scanner will halt for five seconds only, after which scanning will resume (whether or not the other station is still transmission).
24 SHIFTFunction: Sets the magnitude of the Repeater Shift
Available Values: 00.00 - 99.95 (MHz) (only shifts of less than 4 MHz will work)
Default: 00.60 (MHz)
25 SKIPFunction: Selects the Memory Scan mode.
Available Values: SKIP/ONLY/OFFDefault: OFF
SKIP: The scanner will “skip” the flagged channels during scanning.
ONLY: The scanner will only scan channels that are flagged (Preferential Scan List).
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