Programming Example 1
Selcall Feature Basic Setup
1. Assign the “SELCALL” function into the “Pro-
grammable Function key 1 (P1 SET)” and the
“CALL” function to the “Programmable Function
key 2 (P2 SET)” from the “KEY FUNCTION” pa-
rameter in the “Common” menu.
2. Set the “SELCALL” parameter in the “Selcall”
menu to the “TX+RX” option, to enable the re-
ceiving and sending of a Selcall.
3. Enter the your radio’s Selcall ID (four digits) into
the “Selcall Self ID” column on the “Main Pro-
gramming Screen (Memory Screen)” for each
memory channel.
4. Enter the station’s Selcall ID (four digits) of the
station to be called into the “TXID” parameter in
the “Selcall” menu.
5. Set the effective channel range (i.e.1-001 and 1-
200) for the TX ID into the “FROM“ and
“TO“columns of the “TX ID” parameter in the
“Selcall” menu.
6. Download the programming data to the trans-
ceiver from the computer via the “Download”
parameter in the “Radio” menu.
CE77 PC Programming Software