PRESTIGE 7 Android Tablet Guide Book
expand or collapse a notification, use two fingers to either swipe vertically or twist together.
To open the related app, touch the notification icon on the left. Some notifications also allow you to take specific actions by touching icons within the notification. For example, Calendar notifications allow you to Snooze (remind you later) or send email to other guests.
When you’re finished with a notification, just swipe it away to the left or right. If you want to dismiss all notifications, touch the Dismiss icon at the top of the notification shade. drawer.
Getting Around
At the bottom of every Prestige 7 screen, no matter what you’re doing, you’ll always find these three navigation buttons:
Opens the previous screen you were working in, even if it was in a different app. Once you back up to the Home screen, you can’t go back any further in your history.
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