•Smart stream:
Smart stream can effectively reduce the video packet size while maintaining good video quality in the selected areas of your interest. When properly configured, Smart stream can reduce the stream size to half or even lower.
Unfold the Smart stream configuration menu by selecting the Smart stream checkbox. You can then configure the following parameters:
•Foreground quality: Foreground is the area of your interest where you
want to maintain its video quality. The quality can be: Customized, Medium,
Standard, Good, Detailed, or Excellent. Note that the Customized number refers to the video compression rate. The larger the number, higher the compression rate, and thus results in lower quality.
•Background quality: Background is the area that is less important on the scene, such as the building in the below drawing. You can configure the camera to produce a
•Maximum bit rate: This is an upper threshold on the bit rate per second for producing and transmitting the Smart stream video. It is configurable from 1Mbps to 40Mbps. You can also manually enter a number (in kbps).
Q= Medium or low
Q= Good or better
User's Manual - 65