8.5 Upgrade Firmware
Note: This request requires Administrator privileges.
Method: POST
Post data:
fimage=<file name>[&return=<return page>]\r\n \r\n
<multipart encoded form data>
Server will accept the file named <file name> to upgrade the firmware and return with <return page> if indicated.
8.6 IP Filtering
Note: This request requires Administrator access privileges.
Method: GET/POST
method=<value>&[start=<ipaddress>&end=<ipaddress>][&index=<value>] [&return=<return page>]
Method |
| addallow |
| Add allowed IP address range to the server. Start and end parameters must be | |
| specified. If the index parameter is specified, it will try to add starting from the | |
| index position. | |
| adddeny |
| Add denied IP address range to the server. Start and end parameters must be | |
| specified. If the index parameter is specified, it will try to add starting from the | |
| index position. | |
| deleteallow |
| Remove allowed IP address range from server. If start and end parameters are | |
| specified, it will try to remove the matched IP address. If index is specified, it | |
| will try to remove the address from given index position. [start, end] | |
| parameters have higher priority then the [index] parameter. | |
| deletedeny |
| Remove denied IP address range from server. If start and end parameters are | |
| specified, it will try to remove the matched IP address. If index is specified, it | |
| will try to remove the address from given index position. [start, end] | |
| parameters have higher priority then the [index] parameter. |
140 - User's Manual