142 - User's Manual
The valid characters are [A-Z] [a-z]
domain ‘U’ for USA
‘C’ for Canada
‘E’ for Euro
‘S’ for Spain
‘F’ for France
‘I’ for Isrel
‘A’ for All
U 6/7 Wireless domain.
algorithm AES, TKIP TKIP 6/6 Algorithm
presharedkey password [63] 00000000 6/6 WPA mode pre-shared key.
The valid characters are [A-Z] [a-z]
connecttype manual,wps manual 6/6 WiFi connect method
Drive the Digital Output
Note: This request requires Viewer privileges.
Method: GET/POST
[&do3=<state>][&do4=<state>][&return=<return page>]
Where state is 0 or 1; “0” means inactive or normal state, while “1” means active or triggered state.
do<num> 0, 1 0 – Inactive, normal state
1 – Active, triggered state
return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is
assigned. The <return page> can be a full URL path or relative
path according to the current path. If you omit this parameter,
it will redirect to an empty page.
Example: Drive the digital output 1 to triggered state and redirect to an empty page.