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advanced operation
advanced operation
DirectoryThe directory can store up to 50 entr ies. Each entr y may consi st of a
number up to 24 digits and a name up to 15 characters.
• The screen displays E MPTy if there is no record in the dire ctory.
• The screen displays F ULL if the directory is full.
review the directory• Press / to enter the directory.
• Press or to browse and press o FF/CLEar to exit.
-or -
• Press MENU/S ELECT to display menu when in idle mode.
• Press or to reach DIr ECTory. Press MENU/SELECT.
• Press or to reach rEVI Ew. Press MENU/SELECT.
• Press or to browse and press o FF/CLEar to exit.
Search the directoryEntries are s orted alphabet ically and names beg inning with numbers
are listed rst.
An alphabetical searc h can be done after entering the directory. Enter
the rst letter of the name using the char t on page 18. The rst na me
beginning with that letter will be displ ayed.
For example, press 5 (JKL) once to nd Jenny, twice to n d Kristen, or
three times to nd Linda.
You can search the directory by pressing or on the h andset.
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