Clear voicemail
If you subscribe to voicemail services provided by your local telephone
company, NEw VoIC EMaIL will appear on the handset display and
the VoICEMaIL light o n the telephone base will ash when you have
a new voi cemail messag e. This feature allows you to turn off these
• Press MENU/S ELECT to display the menu when in idle mode.
• Press or to reach SETUP BS. Press MENU/SELECT.
• Press or to reach CLr VoICEMaIL. Press MENU/SELECT.
• The screen displays I NDICaTor oFF? Press MENU/S ELECT.
• The screen displays S TorED and you’ll hear a conrmation beep.
INdIcAtor off?
clr voIceMAIl
Telephone settings
Dial type
The dial type is preset to touch tone. If you have pulse (rotary) service,
the dial type must be changed.
• Press MENU/S ELECT to display menu when in idle mo de.
• Press or to reach SETUP BS. Press MENU/SELECT.
• Press or to reach DIaL TyPE. Press MENU/SELECT.
• A checkmark is shown next to the c urrent selection. Press or
to choose between ToNE and PULSE . Press MENU/SELECT.
• The screen displays S TorED and you’ll hear a conrmation beep.
dIAl tYPe
clr voIceMAIl
The clear voicemail
feature only turns
off the displayed
message and
VoICEMaIL light
on the telephone
base. It does not
delete your voicemail
message(s). Use
this feature when the
telephone indicates
there is voicemail
when you have none
or you have accessed
your voicemail from a
remote location (while
away from home). If
there is actually a new
voicemail message,
your local telephone
company will continue
to send a signal
which will cause the
message in the
handset and the
telephone base
VoICEMaIL light to