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Handset display screen messages
Display: when:
The handset locator has been activated or th e handset is being paged.
PHoNe The handset is in use.
PlAce IN cHArGer
The battery is very low. The handset should b e placed on the telephone base to rec harge.
cHecK BAtterY!
The battery is not installed or not inst alled properly in the handset.
-or -
The battery needs to be replaced.
-or -
An incorrect battery has been ins talled by mistake. Use only the supplie d VTech battery.
Display: when:
PrIvAte NAMe The caller is blocking name information.
PrIvAte NuMBer The caller is blocking telephone number information.
PrIvAte cAller The caller is blocking name and number i nformation.
uNKNowN NAMe This caller’s name is unavailable.
uNKNowN NuMBer This caller’s number is unavailable.
uNKNowN cAller No call information is available about this c aller.
loNG dIStANce or
l (before caller’s number)
This is a long distance call.
Call log display screen messages