Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference 17
:SOURce[?] <ECLTrg0 | ECLT rg1 | EXTernal | IMMediate
| INTernal1–INT ernal4 | TTLTrg0–TTLTrg7>
<EDGE | LOGic | PULSe | SHOLdtime | TRANsition>
Commands in the TRIGger:PULSe subsystem provide the capability
to trigger when a pulse occurs that is outside specified parameters.
:CLASs[?] <GLITch | TIME | WIDTh>
:POLarity[?] <EITHer | NEGative | POSitive>
:QUALify[?] <GT | LT>
:WIDTh[?] <NRf>
:SOURce[?] <INTernal1–INTernal4>
:POLarity[?]<NEGative | POSitive>
:WIDTh[?] <NRf>
:THReshold[?] <NRf>
:HLIMit[?] <NRf>
:LLIMit[?] <NRf>
:POLarity[?] <NEGative | POSitive>
:QUALify[?] <IN | OUT>