Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
4TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference
Commands in the [SENSe:]AVERage subsystem controlaveraging (on incoming waveforms) in the SENSe block, whichoccurs prior to processing of the waveforms by the CALCulate
[:STATe][?] <boolean>
:COUNt[?] <NRf>
:TYPE[?] <ENVelope | SCALar | PEAKdetect>
CALCulage <n>
Commands in the CALCulate subsystem process and perform
measurements on acquisition records. These calculations are
typically performed immediately after the waveform analyzer
completes acquisition of the source. You can use CALCulate:IM-
Mediate to reprocess and measure an existing acquisition record.
:AAMList[?] <see page 22>
:STATe[?] <boolean>
:DATA? <none>
:PREamble? <none>
:STATe[?] <boolean>
:FEED[1][?] <string | CHAN1–CHAN4 | REF1–REF10>
:FEED2[?] <string | CHAN1–CHAN4 | REF1–REF10>
[:TYPE][?] <BPASs | HPASs | LP ASs | NOTCh>
:CENTer[?] <NRf>