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| Using four fingers spaced slightly apart, move your fingers |
| left or right to open the application switcher. Then using a |
| single finger, move left or right to highlight an application. |
| Tap to select an application. |
| Windows XP: Using four fingers, move them left or right to |
| open the application switcher. Swipe your fingers again to |
| open the next application in the list. |
SWIPE DOWN FOR FLIP 3D/EXPOSÉ | Open Flip 3D (Windows) or Exposé (Mac) |
| Using four fingers spaced slightly apart, swipe down. |
| • Windows: Your first swipe opens Flip 3D. Swipe down |
| again to close Flip 3D. Not available for Windows XP. |
| Alternatively, move your fingers down 1 cm (0.4 inch) to |
| open Flip 3D. Without lifting your fingers, continue |
| moving downward to select applications to the left, or |
| move upward to select applications to the right. Lift any |
| finger to dismiss Flip 3D. |
| • Mac: Your first swipe opens Exposé. Swipe down again |
| to close Exposé. |